My Little Pony Friendship is Magic AMV Day N' Night [Reupload]MyLittlePirate
My Little Pony - Rainbow Dash Kissed a Girl AMV - Katy PerryMLPBubbles
Super Ponybeat - Fluttershy's LullabyBandpuffs
Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders LullabyMeta Omega
Lord of the PoniesPhilweasel
PMV PurgatoryCupcakesNom
The Elder Scrolls VI: EquestriaMrYaridovich-YariTheImpaler
Super Ponybeat: Art of the Dress [with Rarity singing]FluttershyElsa
DJ P0n-3 takes a request from Doctor WhoofZephyrStarAMV
My Little Pingas - Friendship is Lotsa SpaghettiUnanimous Delivers